
Blue Spats

I am working on a shawl, but it's a bit slow-going, so I needed a relatively quick project so I wouldn't get bored. I cast on for these leg warmers on Wednesday and finished the knitting on Friday. It helps that the kids and I have been home sick for days and watching old movies on Hulu, thus lots of knitting time.

The original pattern is sized for an adult and on #13 needles with super-bulky yarn. Since I made these for a 7 year old I went down to a size 10 1/2 needle and heavy worsted/bulky yarn. The original is supposed to come out to something like 9 inches across and these were around 6 inches before blocking, which was purely guesswork on my part, but the sizing worked out well.

I had in my head that this would be some mindless knitting with a few cables, but there are only a few straight knit rows, and an entire page of cable descriptions, which is at least twenty different cable crosses to mess up. I only had to drop down and correct a mis-crossed cable twice, so not too bad. I also mixed up the wrong-side and right-side rows at the beginning of the first leg warmer and didn't notice until I was about to cast off. So that one was knit twice.

This is a very clearly written pattern, with excellent written instructions and charts, and the cables for one leg warmer are mirrored for the second leg warmer. A fun and quick pattern!

Someone insisted on sparkly buttons. I did have to run to the fabric store since eight buttons are required, and my expansive button stash did not include many groups of eight buttons.

What really attracted me to this pattern were the cables and the straps across the back. And I love the way it knit up in this multi-color yarn, which is a woven wool/acrylic blend with a soft felty/squeaky feel that was fun to knit.

Twisted Ankles Leg Warmers
Feza Yarns Fanatic
US size 10 1/2 bamboo circulars

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