I had a hard time finding affordable clothesline, and I ended up buying some 3/8 inch twisted cord at JoAnn's for more than I wanted to spend, even at 50% off. When I was first getting started, I had my doubts that the cord would fit under the foot on my machine, and then I had tension issues. But once I got a good start it was really pretty easy. I love these, even with the wonky spots. The third bowl is by far the best. I want to make more, but I blew through almost 14 yards of the cord and I will look for something cheaper to use next time.

I have a need for some quick handmade items (school auction season is upon us and I must turn in seven items!), and two bowls fit the bill. I figure I get to keep one of them, I'm sure I can think of something to put in it...

Only another five auction items to make...
hey lady - you might ask your friend amanda if she would want to donate a baby quilt as an auction item. she would be happy to do it (but only if it was going to the preschoolers 'cause she loves the preschool.)
i've got one that's almost finished that's made out of the heather ross mendocino fabrics. it's pretty cute.
These are gorgeous! I want to come to the auction.
Those are so great, Sasha!
Wow--I love those!!
So good.Thanks for the link.
Pretty bowls, great mix of colours.
I was going to suggest knit fabrics cut into strips, which roll up naturally, but I did a little google search on a hunch and found some different cords at a pet supply shop http://www.birdyboredombusters.com/rope.html , a boating shop http://tinyurl.com/df9anz and at Cheeptrims, http://tinyurl.com/by44lf
happy stitching!
The Dollar Tree has a cheaper version of this cord and I think that it will work I have use it for the center of crocheted bowls
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