
Cables & Home-Barbering

Hello, it's my toes! (And what my husband refers to as my brick feet.)

Isn't that cable just yummy? And, wow, doing mostly stockinette makes this sock is just zip right along now that I got the gauge issue resolved. I went against my usual trend and am doing one sock at a time. Hmm...that could explain why it's gong so fast... In any case, I think this pair is a keeper.

And I finally got sick of scraping a fine tooth comb through my locks as a precautionary measure against crawling critters and I hacked off about 6 inches of length. But in case you didn't know, I am a bonafide beauty school dropout, so I sorta know what I am doing. And now I have the same haircut as my (almost) 6 year old.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, that is a pretty cable. And your feet are lovely--not bricklike. (I really must get a pedicure...)

Are you going to be showing us the new 'do?