
A Glimpse of the Garden

I am really enjoying the garden this year. I hired my sister to make some raised beds in my sunny front parking strip, and the plants, though they were started late, are growing amazingly well. I haven't had a lot of success with vegetables, so this is pretty satisfying.

I hope that the Brandywine tomatoes ripen by October, or before they totally topple over the tomato cages. My husband optimistically planted a watermelon plant, and we now have one melon about the size of my fist. This odd long spiky cucumber is a volunteer plant. I started some snap peas last week. I think it's not too late for this year? We have two pumpkins turning orange, and a bunch of little green pumpkins. The strawberries are putting out tons of runners and I am rooting them into pots.

I also have more tomatoes, pickling cukes, onions, red orach, kale, carrots, potatoes, and a bunch of other plants. There are cabbages that I started from seed last week. Now I am trying to think of what else I can get started before the frost.